The Greatest Showman movie review
Review of a few Camera Angles in the Movie
The Greatest Showman (2017)
From Producer Michael Gracey
The shot is a close up shot this shot shows P.T. Barnum in his basic job not doing anything with his life. This shot makes you think about how you want your life to be. If you want to sit in a 9 to 5 job doing nothing with your life or doing something you love.
This next shot is an over the shoulder. This shot is from when Barnum is trying to recruit someone that is unique so he goes to a person that he saw in the bank. The person Barnum wants to talk to is extremely short and has been looked down on by society and even his family. So when Barnum offers him a chance to be praised, the short man accepts Barnum’s offer.
This next shot is an eye level shot of the singer, in the movie, named Jenny Lind. In the movie Jenny has a crush on Barnum. This is a problem for Barnum because Barnum is already married. Barnum ends up rejecting Lind which causes a lot of problems for Barnum. During Barnum’s time with Lind the viewer sees how Barnum has gone from being humble and happy to being greedy and wanting to please everyone. This shot shows us how Line feels in the moment but as the audience soon realizes she will not be so happy later.
This an over the shoulder shot, this is after Barnum’s wife sees a picture of Lind kissing Barnum and she leaves. Barnum realizes he made a huge mistake so he finds his wife and tells her how sorry he is. In this scene Barnum and his wife are happy once again and hugging. This shot shows us that money may be able to buy some happiness but true happiness comes from being with the people you love
This next shot is an extreme long shot. The shot is being used to show how Barnum had accepted his role as a circus leader and starting up his circus once again but in a tent instead of a building. This shows how Barnum has progressed from wing a man that wants everything to a man that is happy with the life he has as long as he has all the people he loves and cares for.
This is one of the final shots of the film and it is a two shot. In this shot Barnum is watching his two daughters, one who is a ballerina and another one that is a tree, in a dance recital. In this shot Barnum has retired from the circus and passed his role to a man named Carlyle, played by Zac Efron, so that Barnum could watch his girls grow. This movie showed how Barnum went from a poor boy with a dream, to a rich man with everything but also nothing, and finally in the end a man who has everything he needs in this word to thrive and be happy. When I say Barnum has everything but also nothing what I mean is that Barnum is extremely wealthy and could own whatever he want but his urge is not truly satisfied until everyone in the world loves Barnum, which is not possible, so Barnum loses everything trying to achieve his goal.
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