5 Master Edits


Contrast: For contrast I showed how my dog was super calm and them she was jumping all over my little brother. This shot demonstrates the contrast of how my dog acts when it's just me and her and when other people are around her. Also, this shot made me understand why you shouldn't work with family and animals.

Parallelism: For this shot it showed me throwing a ball and then the next shot was my dog chasing after it as if it were still there. This one was harder to film because my dog refuses to chase after the ball but will go after the stuffed toy.

Symbolism: For this shot I panned into the body of a stuffed toy dog and then I panned away from the body of my dog. This was to show the change from a fake dog to a real dog.

Simultaneity: For this shot I filmed my backyard to show how empty it is, and then I had my sister film the park where the cross country meet was to show the difference between the two areas at the same time.

Leit Motif: For Leit Motif I wasn't sure how to film it, so instead I looked up a shot of captain America and I included his theme song. This shot was very confusing and I wasn't really sure how we were supposed to do it without music.


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