Film Opening Research #1 - "The Fast and The Furious (2001)”

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? 
    - There are two titles that are shown in the opening of the movie, the two titles are the, "Universal Studios"         title and the title of the movie.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 
    - Cargo trucks containing boxes with different items are prioritized in the opening scene, these boxes     contain tv's, cars, wheels, and then there is a chase scene after it.
What connotations do the images carry? 
    - These images make the viewer feel unsure about what is happening, this is the case because the             viewer isn't really sure what is going on or why it is happening.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? 
    - The action genre is reinforced through technical codes when the scene takes place in a high paced car chase, in this scene the main characters are trying to rob a truck. The sound of tires on the road add more action to the scene. The lighting level of the scene is dark and this lighting makes the scene seem more mysterious, this lighting also causes the viewer to continue to expect more action to continue. Other symbolic codes aid the action scene, the viewer is put two and two together when we see a cargo truck and then we see a cargo truck on the highway that something bad is about to happen.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset? 
    - It is established in the opening scene through the little communication that happens                 between the main characters. In the opening scene we see a cargo port full of cargo                  boxes, however, the camera zooms into one singular container. The scene then fades to a robber talking into a walkie talkie to another robber. The highway jacking takes place but when we see the assailants we continue to wonder who they are because they are all wearing masks.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 
    - One of the strategies that is employed is opening the movie with a high speed chase, this         shows the viewers what type of movie that they are going to be watching.
How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques. 
    - Technology in this film is used in the camera angles and sound affects, their is an establishing shot as our opening when we see the whole cargo port. Then there is a pan shot as we zoom into the main cargo truck. After this there is a quick cut in which we see a masked assailant talking on a walkie-talkie to one of his associates. We then have a few establishing shots to show us it is the same cargo container from before. Then their is a shot in which the camera goes down into the trucks of the wheel. Then we see the behind of the truck where there are three loud smaller cars that are pulling up to the truck.


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