Movie Opener Brainstorming and Research
1. Rise-
We see a lot of different shots, close up and extreme close up shots, we also see as the camera follows the way the player moves, we hear upbeat music, and then we hear a change in music which forces the viewer to feel suspense.
2. Offline-
We see creepy music, lowkey lighting which is used to cause a sense of eeriness in the viewers, contrast is shown by showing the girl in the cage and then her daily life.
3. Dear Lover-
We hear happy music, romance between the characters, a voice over which connects with the audience, and the ending of it draws the viewer in and makes them want to watch the movie.
4. Dare to Thrill-
The opening starts with upbeat music and a lot of action, however, near the end it gets really confusing.
5. Always watching-
This one contains a lot of suspense and it contains a lot of information for the opening scene.
6. The Blue Boar
The opening of this film starts of with different elements of music and a combination of the different camera angles. Near the end of the trailer we see a lot of symbolism.
7. White Coat
The film opening starts with quick cuts that are used to show how confused the characters are. There is also a good use of sound and music, also the film opening interests the viewer and makes them want to watch it.
8. Stalker
This film opening creates suspense through the use of sounds and it could also be seen as drama and horror.
9. Nostalgia
This film opening uses camera cuts to show the paintings and the people in this film.
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