Peer Reviews


Film #7 Peer Reviews

What specific elements of the film opening did you like?

Was there anything that left you confused? (be specific)

What suggestions do you have for changes?

Great intro camera angle and quality commentary going throughout.

Were the other two kids against the lonely kid?

They could've showed a quick clip at the end with becoming all friends.

Some of their camera angles/shots were very interesting and made the film look professional

I think the plot is that they bumped into each other in the halls multiple times, and then in detention he stood up for him, but I'm not exactly sure.

change some of the transitions, and maybe include more obvious instances of the two main characters being "polar opposites" to make the storyline make more sense

I loved the camera angles and the way this was filmed. The beginning shot with the drone was AWESOME. There were several angles incorporated into the film, and they were executed very well. I like each of the roles the characters played and you could tell that the actors enjoyed the roles they played. The acting was very realistic, and I loved that Ms. Gaskell was included lol.

The plot was a little confusing. I understood that there were three guys who all went to school with each other. They all bumped into each other at some point and then shared a detention period with each other. I'm not sure what all this meant though.

I would suggest more dialogue and more expression so I could tell what was exactly taking place the whole time a bit easier. Also, the pinwheel transition did not exactly make me feel like it was a movie opener and more like a commercial. A better transition option like a slide or direct cut would have better suit this opener.

the drone shot and music

I couldn't hear what Mrs. Gaskell said after she dismissed them from detention.

cut out the black at the end and cut out when Mrs. Gaskell looks at the camera before she speaks

The music because it gives off a teenager movie vibe. Also the pov shots used in the opener were good, they didn't feel like someone was holding the camera.

At the beginning, the two boys run into each and appear to be annoyed by each other but in the next shot, one is holding the door for the other, so it's like the shot were they ran into to each other was disregarded.

Change the cuts in between shots to be less distracting

The establishing shot of the school was very nice

Why was everyone in detention in the first place?
The 1 minute of black void at the end

I would cut back and forth between Luca and Jovani's perspective for some simultaneity. I would also rerecord the scene where you guys were walking into Chamber's room and change it to Gaskell's so the transition between outside and inside the room is less jarring.
The audio where Gaskell is yelling at Luca is pretty hard to hear so maybe have 2 phones, one recording the video and the other one recording audio that's placed closer.

I liked the scenes with Mrs. Gaskell and I also like some of the transitions

the storyline, some of the clips before they got to the detention scene was a little confusing. And THE DARK SCREEN at the end.

Fix the confusing plot/storyline and get rid of the 2 minute dark screen at the end. and add the text name of who is starring in the movie

I liked the variety of camera angles and shots, for it helped bring the film to life. I also really liked the establishing shot at the beginning that showed the whole school, for it gave the audience an understanding of the plot for the story.

I was a bit confused as to what exactly was the purpose of the film, I have an idea but not a complete one.

I think my only suggestion for change would be the music used in the film, for I don't really think it fits the film but I could be wrong because I don't totally understand the purpose of the film. Overall, good job!

right from the beginning I really liked the drone footage it established the setting really well

When Chandler is talking I was confused what was going on as there was no audio of the conversation

I would say holding the camera more steady so it doesn't shake as much as well as including the actual conversation so viewers understand what is going on I was hard to hear the audio even when I turned my volume up

 The reviews were mainly saying how we have to fix our story to make it a little more obvious, I think the suggestions are going to be helpful for us when it comes to fixing up the opening and polishing it to make it cleaner, my group and I will use this information to clean up our film and make it more understandable for everyone.


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