
Showing posts from January, 2021

Movie Opener Brainstorming and Research

 1. Rise-  We see a lot of different shots, close up and extreme close up shots, we also see as the camera follows the way the player  moves, we hear upbeat music, and then we hear a change in music which forces the viewer to feel suspense. 2. Offline- We see creepy music, lowkey lighting which is used to cause a sense of eeriness in the viewers, contrast is shown by  showing the girl in the cage and then her daily life. 3. Dear Lover- We hear happy music, romance between the characters, a voice over which connects with the audience, and the ending of it draws the viewer in and makes them want to watch the movie. 4. Dare to Thrill- The opening starts with upbeat music and a lot of action, however, near the end it gets really confusing. 5. Always watching-  This one contains a lot of suspense and it contains a lot of information for the opening scene. 6. The Blue Boar The opening of this film starts of with different elements of music and a combination ...

My Film Opening Project - Genre & Group Members

 For our " Opening Film Project" we are doing a comedy , the group members are with  Jovani Ramos  and  Diego Garcia-Salazar .

Film Opening Research #2 - "Avengers: Endgame."

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? The opening scene of Avengers: Endgame is showing us what happened to Hawkeye's family after Thanos snapped. After this we see the "MARVEL STUDIOS" logo, in it you can see scenes that happened in the previous marvel movies. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  The images that are prioritized are what happened to Hawkeye's family. We see in "Avengers; Infinity War" that many of the Avengers were snapped away but we didn't really see the extent of the damage, unless you watched the end credit scene, so in the opening of "Avengers: Endgame" it showed us how no one in the world was safe. This scene also sets up what happens later in film when we see what happened to Hawkeye we know it is because he lost his family. What connotations do the images carry?  These images carry sadness and are very emotional because Hawkeye did everything in his powers to have a hap...

Semester Exam - Film Analyses of Black Mirror (season3, episode 4, San Junipero)

In the film extract, "Black Mirror" the director  can  combine different elements to make the viewer experience a sense of curiosity, mystery, and some fear.  The  director  does this through the lighting, camera shots, sounds, costumes and editing.   The way that the lighting was used in this extract was  to make the mood seem more mysterious and spookier. The director does this by making the  lighting of all the scenes darker  and just using smaller background lights to  provide   some form of lighting. This adds suspense and mystery to the scenes and what we see.  For example, in the club that the main character is in it is extremely dark and the only thing providing  light is the LED light strips around the sides and the arcade machines  providing light also.   The camera shots also provide suspense as  we  watch Yorkie, the main characte r,  walking through the streets stumbling around not sur...

Film Opening Research #1 - "The Fast and The Furious (2001)”

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?      - There are two titles that are shown in the opening of the movie, the two titles are the, "Universal Studios"           title and the title of the movie. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?      - Cargo trucks containing boxes with different items are prioritized in the opening scene, these boxes      contain tv's, cars, wheels, and then there is a chase scene after it. What connotations do the images carry?      - These images make the viewer feel unsure about what is happening, this is the case because the                viewer isn't really sure what is going on or why it is happening. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?       - The action genre is reinforced through technical codes when the scene takes...

My Favorite Genre - Video
